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Heritage Action ZoneRyde

About the
Ryde project

The Ryde Heritage Action Zone (HAZ), a four year programme, funded by Historic England, Ryde Town Council and Isle of Wight Council, is planning to regenerate Ryde High Street to create a vibrant town centre destination for residents and visitors to spend time in and enjoy. There will be an annual programme of cultural activities and events, with new street furniture, street art and planting. The aim is to reinvigorate pride in Ryde!

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Former St Mary’s Convent School, Ryde.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth is considering options for what could be done with the vacant former Convent School and former parish school, alongside St Mary’s Church in Ryde.

Waving the Flag Poster Commission

We are looking for an artist to provide new original artwork for the 2023 Ryde Carnival season.

Ryde Shopfront Improvement Scheme

The project will help restore or rebuild historic shop fronts in Ryde’s High Street. Grant funding will be available to support high quality schemes which enhance the area.

Design Guide

A design guide for commercial frontages has been created to help people restore traditional shopfronts and create frontages on modern buildings that are of a high standard of design and complement nearby historic buildings, creating a coherent, interesting, diverse and attractive streetscape.

Ryde 'Spring Windows'

Three arts and community organisations in Ryde have been commissioned to create delightful window installations to celebrate the High Street’s Heritage.

St. Mary's Catholic Church Buildings

A master-plan will be produced to present opportunities for the regeneration of the derelict buildings on the site of the former Convent School to the rear of
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, High Street, Ryde.

Charles Dimmick

“the project created and enhanced the spirit of communal and community working”
– Phil Warren VCS

Ryde Town Hall

There is potential to re-establish Ryde Town Hall as the signature building in Ryde Town Centre. It has lain derelict and neglected for far too long. Ryde HAZ is commissioning a Business Case to explore how to unlock the significant potential that this historic building has to be acquired, restored and renovated for sustainable community use.

Footfall Data

Monthly reports for each town show changes in visitor numbers and behaviour and provide useful insights into how people use the town centres.


More downloads are available on the individual project pages

  • Ryde November 2021

  • HCC Ryde Town Hall Feasibility Study and Business Case July 2021

  • Historic Places Panel Review Paper

  • Ryde Place Plan

  • Ryde Public Realm Strategy

  • Place Plan Covid Recovery Annex

  • Ryde Town Hall, by Elain Harwood, Historic England

  • Packs Building Feasibility Report

  • Ideas from Ryde School students

  • Rydesgate Twin Town Project

  • Isle of Wight Ryde HAZ Workshop CW July 2021

  • Aspire Ryde Feasibility Study


Community Partners

Ryde Town Council, lead partner for the Ryde HAZ, is committed to ensuring that the High Streets Heritage Action Zone is a project shaped by the whole community of Ryde.

The plans and projects over the four year programme will help to fulfil the Town Council’s Vision for Ryde:

"To support and enhance the health, wellbeing and economy of Ryde to the benefit of residents, local businesses and visitors within a culture that makes the best use of our heritage and the beauty of Ryde".

Throughout the planning, delivery and legacy stages of Ryde HAZ, local stakeholders will be encouraged to take an active role in maximising the cultural potential of our high street.

Community groups and stakeholders are, therefore, integral partners in shaping, designing and delivering Ryde HAZ and will be invited to engage throughout the life of the programme and beyond to ensure that community needs and views are incorporated into the vision for Ryde and the HAZ into the future.

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