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Sue Bailey

Free half-term family friendly activities

The IW STORY FESTIVAL is pleased to be working alongside the High Street Heritage Action Zone to bring some family friendly activities to Newport during the February ‘22 half term. There are drawing, making, shadow puppetry, storytelling and researching activities. There is even a photo trail I spy style app you can download.

All the activities are free but need to be booked in advance.

I spy in Newport

Download this photo trail app and find some of the amazing heritage places hiding in Newport. When you have matched the photo to the building, click on the image to discover a story about the place.

The link will be live from Monday 21st February 2022. Visit for the link.

How much does the app cost? Nothing! It’s free thanks to funding from the High Street Heritage Action Zone.

Play in a day

Princess Elizabeth was Charles I’s middle daughter. She lived almost as a prisoner, at Carisbrooke Castle until she died at the age of 14. Queen Victoria was intrigued by her story and had a sculpture of her made. You can see it in Newport Minster. Come and make shadow puppets of the characters involved and help tell Princess Elizabeth’s story.

Date and Time: Monday 21st February 10.30-3pm
Venue: Newport Methodist Hall, Quay St, Newport, PO30 5BA
Led by: Sue Bailey
How to book: Phone or text Sue Bailey on 07837 601 315
Cost: Nothing! It’s free, thanks to funding by High Street Heritage Action Zone
Who is it for? Anyone over the age of 7 who likes stories, making things, working as a group, and wants to make shadow puppets.
What do you need to bring? Willingness to have a go! Oh… and some lunch!

Once upon a time, in the Guildhall….

Create a story set in the Guildhall, and tell it at the IW Story Festival.

Join storyteller, Sue Bailey, in these three, free, half day workshops in which you (alone, or with a friend) will create your tale, learn some storytelling techniques and practice telling your tale so that you can be part of the ‘Tale Off’ at the IW Story Festival on Fri 25th Feb at Quay Arts. Your story, which must be shorter than 4 minutes when told (not read!) could be set in the past, present or future.

Venue: Newport Methodist Hall, Quay St, Newport, PO30 5BA
Dates and Times:
Tues 22nd 10.30-12.30 Create your tale
Wed 23rd 1.30-3.30 Learn some storytelling techniques
Thurs 24th 1.30-3.30 Practise and polish your story
Fri 25th 9.30 at Quay Arts Tell your tale at the IW Story Festival
Led by: Sue Bailey
How to book: Phone or text Sue Bailey on 078

If you could fly over Newport…

Explore Newport from the sky, through drawing and collage.

Imagine being able to fly. Imagine flying above the rooftops of Newport. What would you be able to see? Where would you go? Local children’s author Peta Rainford will share her IW biosphere-inspired book, Jacob Starke Loves the Dark, and help participants explore Newport from the sky, through drawing and collage.

Date and time: Tuesday 22nd Feb 10.30-12pm or 2.30-4pm
Venue: Independent Arts Creative Hub, 48 High St, Newport PO30 1SE
Led by: Peta Rainford
How to book: email [email protected] or phone 01983 822 437
Cost: Nothing! It’s free, thanks to funding by High Street Heritage Action Zone Who is it for? 5-11 year olds. Children must be accompanied by an adult

My Wonky House

Take a picture of your house on a phone, bring it along and make it wonky!

Who needs perspective? Not us! Let’s draw your house with lots of fun. Your picture will be displayed at Quay Arts, before being returned to you. Plus listen to the story of Wally and Bert – who live in a very tall house.

Date and time: Thursday 24th Feb 12.30-2pm or 2.30-4pm
Venue: Independent Arts Creative Hub, 48 High St, Newport PO30 1SE
Led by: Jules Marriner
How to book: email [email protected] or phone 01983 822 437
Cost: Nothing! It’s free, thanks to funding by High Street Heritage Action Zone
Who is it for? Anyone over the age of 4. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.