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Ryde Business Association

Ryde Business Association is a voluntary community organisation working for the benefit of the town. The aims of the organisation are

To Enhance the Town through joint working:

The high street economy is a tough market, and it is something that needs continued work. Towns that have been successful at promoting themselves and generating greater year round income are those who work together and embrace the creative elements of their community. In Ryde we have this in abundance, so we work on creating closer joint working between the council, businesses and the arts, music, and creative sectors.

Share Expertise:

If you work, live, shop, visit the town then we want your input. This is where the expertise comes from, whether it is an established business or someone setting up for the first time. The RBA monthly meetings are an opportunity for people to share their views so we can gain a good understanding of what people like and what they don’t, and consider ways we can improve, update and maintain what we have to offer.

Be Innovative:

This is another key essential to keeping towns vibrant and moving forward. Ryde is certainly not a sleepy place full of retirement homes that some, who are not familiar, may believe. We need to think outside the box, try new things and be creative.

Promote Ourselves:

Successful towns are ones who advertise what they have to offer, both as individual businesses and as a whole community.

With better promotion we can help advertise the town not just to holiday makers but to other island residents.


We are particularly passionate about smaller independent businesses. We are lucky to have so many in Ryde, so we look at how best to support these whilst working alongside the bigger commercial high street names.


Ryde Business Association