The Guildhall
A Newport Landmark
The Guildhall is one of Newport’s most significant and iconic historic buildings. It is a grade II* listed building, which was originally constructed as a town hall and market building. It was designed by renowned architect John Nash and has been modified and extended several times over the last two centuries. Since 1996 it has housed the Museum of Island History, offices and storage.
The building is currently under-utilised and requires significant repair work. A key HAZ project was to investigate what was needed to restore the building and identify a new use that could help sustain it for the long term. In early 2021 a condition survey and options appraisal were commissioned.
Condition Survey and options appraisal
Oxley Conservation conducted a condition survey which identifies work need to bring the building back into good order and an estimate of costs for that work, totalling just under £2 million. You can download their report below
Building Condition Survey Report
ERMC were commissioned to carry out an options appraisal to investigate potential future uses for The Guildhall. Three potential use-cases were examined in the report, with costs to develop these (in addition to the costs noted above for dealing with necessary repairs) of around £1.2-1.5 million. You can read the full report below.
Following this work, Arc and ERMC worked on a programme of community engagement to explore the best options for the building, and ERMC undertook some further analysis to bring forward updated proposals. You can read the documents below.