Charles Dimmick
“the project created and enhanced the spirit of communal and community working”
– Phil Warren VCS
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“the project created and enhanced the spirit of communal and community working”
– Phil Warren VCS
The People First Zone seeks to create an environment in the town centre that puts the needs of people first. We are aiming to create high-quality spaces where people can move around freely and easily, stop and browse in shop windows or chat to a friend.
A design guide for commercial frontages has been created to help people restore traditional shopfronts and create frontages on modern buildings that are of a high standard of design and complement nearby historic buildings, creating a coherent, interesting, diverse and attractive streetscape.
Support is available to help restore historic shopfronts in the town centre. We aim to work proactively with building owners to develop improvement schemes.
No-one likes to see empty buildings. This project will work to bring disused or underused buildings back into use, improving the vibrancy of the town centre and protecting heritage buildings.