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Newport 360


Newport 360 gives you the chance to take a look around historic Newport. We’re collecting user submitted photographs and putting them on the map, so you can virtually wander round the town and look at how it used to be

Ryde Shopfront Improvement Scheme

The project will help restore or rebuild historic shop fronts in Ryde’s High Street. Grant funding will be available to support high quality schemes which enhance the area.

The Guildhall


The Guildhall is an iconic building in need of restoration and repurposing. An ongoing project aims to bring forward plans to breathe new life into the building.

Waving the Flag Poster Commission

We are looking for an artist to provide new original artwork for the 2023 Ryde Carnival season.

Ryde Pedestrian Zone Improvements


This core project will see the pedestrian area of Ryde High Street improved and a more pleasant shopping experience for those living in and visiting the town.